(prompted by Metastorms purchase of Promforma)
Market consolidationOver recent years, most of the other leading BPA/EA companies have been acquired e.g. Computas (Troux), Popkin (Telelogic/IBM), ProActivity (EMC). IDS Scheer (Aris) is now the clear pure play market leader. Others offering BP modelling are: Casewise, Mega, iGrafx, Savvion has a free, downloadable process modeller (downloaded 100,000 times), Lombardi has a Blueprint on-demand process modeller delivered through a SaaS model.
EA modeling and process modeling should help bridge the gap between strategy and execution (as would a connection of EA to Rules modelling, EA to ER modelling).
Further consolidation is expected in areas such as process simulation, BAM, and rules engines and convergence of BPM with BI (predictive analytics, visualization and activitybased costing). Likely future purchasers: SAP (IDS), EMC (from ProActivity), Oracle (above Collaxa), IBM (tying together Tivolli/Rational/WebSphere, HP, SUN (above JCAPS) etc.
Everyone thinks the are in the BP game - somewhere - see:

Metastorm and proforma
Proforma has a comprehensive suite of process libraries and reference models. Metastorm has Process Pods and Process Templates. These libraries will form packaged vertical and functional domain models.
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